Thursday, July 31, 2008

A Naive Young White Woman

Sometimes its hard for us to as black people (and people of color as a whole) to accept the fact that some white people JUST DON'T GET IT. Will Smith said Parents Just Dont Understand, I say (some) Whites Just Dont Understand. They are just naive and sheltered from the real world. When they look out into a world of white privilege and open doors they just don't realize that there are truly 2 America's.That blacks and all people of color in this country are treated as second class citizens by the government, the judicial system, businesses, colleges, the police and many times by the same whites themselves that believe we are all just one big happy nation working and playing together in equality. Kum Bi Ya my Ass! This sort of naiveness (a word I use in an attempt to not call her and others like her ignorant) and blindness to the true realities of this country upset me to an unmeasurable degree. How someone can live in a world for 25+ years and never truly see it for what it is, is beyond me. But what adds insult to injury for me is how these naive individuals are the first people to engage in long drawn out arguments defending their naive and unrealistic point of views. I hope that the topic of race and inequality continues to be explored on a mainstream level for years to come, so that naive white people like her can finally start to take off their blinders and see this country for what is truly is, for better or for worse.


Melody.Darlene said...

i hate elizaBITCH! she is always comin on this show with some right wing bull shit!! this is only the half of it! u need to peep other videos of her on the view!

ANGELINA said...

i am sooooo happy that whoopi kept it real at the end of that clip. There's a general understanding among black folks of the past and what our people have been through and it effects every facet of our lives, no matter how hard you try to ignore it. Other people don't have that understanding and never will. Still, it's important for others to respect that they don't understand instead of just ignoring it and thinking that this is one happy country.