Friday, July 11, 2008

American Sports Media Racist? Ya Think?

Guest host of ESPN's popular sports talk show PTI: Pardon The Interruption Dan Le Batard said at 7:40 mark in the clip, that Baseball and the American Media are pretty much racist toward black players who struggle with drug related issues and overcome them, while at the same time they're constantly searching for some Great White Hope to put on a pedestal when one of the white players struggle with the same issues and overcome them. A year ago you would never hear an announcer on ESPN ever even attempt to say some shit this real as it pertains to race in America, they would just dance around the real issue as they're paid to do. As an avid ESPN watcher (hours upon hours a day) this is a reflection of the changing climate in America, with a Black President on the horizon the issue of race and racism in America can no longer be swept under the rug. More individuals in the media need to take a more honest and introspective look at their roles in perpetuating racial biased stories and images in the media, because as much as they'd like to let you think this, Don Imus is NOT the ONLY ONE.

The funniest part to me is how the other announcer we'll call him Confused White Man # 1, 230,043 tried to argue against this painfully obvious FACT. Citing that Le Batard's stance was too easy of a stance to take. Was it too easy of a stance to take because its too obvious???

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