First and foremost if you not black don’t say nigga. If you say nigga and someone gets offended then don’t say shit when they kick your wonderful loving and respectful ass! If you go around and say shit that offends people with reckless abandon then you deserve to get your ass kicked. The reason to not say the N word (as if you need one) if you are not black is simply because it offends black people. If we use it amongst ourselves that’s cool, but just because we use it DOES NOT mean that you can too. Its bad enough that the way we walk, the way we talk, the way we dress and the way we wear our hair is copied daily by non blacks, well guess what the bucks has got to stop somewhere and it’s at Nigga. Its cool if you’re a wigga (look it up on urbandictionary.com) that dresses black, talks black, wears cornrows and dates black girls but don’t get it twisted none of that give you a pass to say the N word.
And don’t listen to your black friends gas you up saying its cool for you to say it because if you slip up and say it around a real ass nigga such as myself expect to be visiting the E.R moments later. I shall reiterate, If you are not black do not say the N word unless you are prepared to deal with the consequences and I don’t think you are. Because it offends black people when non blacks called them nigga, and offended black people are prone to go into a blind rage and kick ass!!!
People always crying about black people using the N word among themselves when there are a million other more important issues that are holding back blacks in america. Im tired of people spending all this damn energy fight a fuckin word, its reality thats kicking my black ass! But those people are just lost, so let me offer some clarity.All these people out here worried about blacks using the N word among themselves, if yall really care about the state of black people in this country yall would get the hell out there and start getting involved in things that will make a difference; and once you have tackled the top 50 issues that plague the black community then you can dust your hands off and focus on "Issue plaguing the black community #51: the N word and our social usage of it". Get a f*cking grip on reality will you PLEASE?????
You are far too busy focusing on bull sh*t to see the real issues, let me spell a few of them out for you smart ass.....
1. Blacks are getting paid 41% less than whites all the way across the board
2. Schools in the inner city are under-funded and providing black students with an inferior education that is not preparing them to succeed in the always changing job market let alone college.
3. Doctors get paid by medicare and insurance company's less to work in low income areas than they would get in areas with higher income to do the same procedure. The prospective reimbursement system that all doctors live on to operate is ridiculously skewed driving good doctors out of poor neighborhoods, so even if black doctors wanted to come back to the hood, the system is set up so that they would be making less than their colleagues to do so.
4. Then you have the judicial system that disproportionately over sentences blacks for the same crimes whites do creating crowded prisons over populated with black men that when released have a criminal record and little hope of getting a really good job. Leaving them prey for the revolving door syndrome that plagues many inmates after they are released.
5. How about police brutality?? F*ckin Sean Bell happens every F*ckin day!! The police are out of control they just killed another unarmed nigga in inglewood (where I live) the other day. And are they going to Jail? No! The police kill niggas like f*ckin cattle and the sh*t is swept under the rug. Go to your congressmen and demand change, set up a protest. Lobby to get legislation changed to prosecute these bastards.
6.....shall I go on?? The N word being used amongst ourselves is inconsequential to the struggle, cant you f*ckin see that??? So next time you wanna spend you energy talking about some shit that aint important you better look at the real f*cking issues idiot!
1 comment:
you call yourself a liberal (yeah, went through your profile, believe it! :). well, the most basic concept behind "being liberal", the one that transcends *anything* *anything* *anything* else, is that you don't restrict, in any ways whatsoever, one's speech. speech is the one human act that liberals postulate it should never, ever, ever, be punished in any way. while just about any other human action and/or non-action may become punishable depending on the circumstances, speech should never be sanctioned.
please, if you could take your time to rite this post, take a little extra time to think about this. i know it's not a long and sophisticated argument that i'm making, but i never intended it to be.
at first i didn't want to mention what follows because it's really not the point i was trying to make, but still, here i go: i think you should primarily be concerned with a guy's attitude, voice, etc, when s/he says "the n word". more often that not you'll find it's gonna be a muted request to "let them in" and by no means offensive in intent. and if you think you have the "right to be offended" by *a word*, then think about the other's "right to be offended" about a "you can't do this/ you can't say say that" *attitude*. Attitude/Word. Attitude/Word. Get my drift?
funny thing, i originally ran into your blog (and now i'm trying to make an argument about freedom - of speech, but freedom none the less) while looking for definitions of freedom. quite frankly, i don't think i ever found one closer to my heart than Shakur's "the right to grow, the right to blossom".
Like from one liberal to another, halla!
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