I guess I nievely thought that once Obama was elected all these simpleton racist country bumpkin cartoons of him were going to seise. Looks like I was wrong, this is no different that the racist Curious George shirt they made in Georgia last year and far worse than controversial cover of The New Yorker portraying Obama as a terrorist.
What’s up with the new York media and racist propaganda? I never liked New York (more so the New York media) anyway and this just confirms it for me. First the New Yorker, now the New York post? And what makes this whole thinh that much worse is that the NY Post actually defended this sickening cartoon. Like Chris Rock said there’s nothing the white man can do to catch me off guard but I still can’t get away from the fact that I am saddened and offended by this cartoon none the less. But I can say this the NY Post won’t ever get a dime of my money and sure hope in some roundabout way the individuals responsible for this get what coming to them…..a swift beheading should suffice.
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