Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Fundamental Rights My Ass........Yes On Prop 8!

These No on Prop 8 commercial are pissing me the fuck off because they are feeding people misinformation and half truths, if they were really so proud of same sex marriage then why are they so afraid to say it? Why are they using such deceitful tactics for their commercials? In the commercials they never EVER EVER talk about the act of gay marriage, what they do instead in an attempt to deceive votes is use the word fundamental right

(repeatedly!) in place of the word gay marriage while trying to cry discrimination. That shit is not discrimination what so ever because men and men / women and women don’t get married and have NEVER been getting fucking married in this country. So how is it a fundamental right??? Do they even know what a fundamental right is??

They need to be fuckin’ beaten for such propaganda laces bullshit. Americans receive enough deliberate lies and misinformation from the government and mainstream news media already, now this? Personally I wouldn’t be so mad if they were just being real in the commercials but the way they trying to turn this into a battle over fundamental rights is a huge slap in the face to Civil Rights Activists who are actually fighting for “real” fundamental rights like fair wages, proper sanitation in their neighborhoods and equal opportunity in the workplace. I just want to strangle all these deceitful mutha fuckers…..

C’mon people see through this bullshit and


As a democrat I just hate being on the same side as these conservative wacko’s but I have no choice because I am morally obligated to stand for what’s right. So though we agree on this one topic, I still say FUCK YOU CONSERVATIVE BASTARDS.

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