Thursday, August 28, 2008

Spike Lee At The DNC Speaks On His New Film & Much More

Spike Lee spoke to the CNN & MSNBC correspondents about the importance of reinstating art programs in public schools around the nation, the current racial climate in America and why this was the right time to drop his new film Miracle St. Anna. The film will spotlight the courage of black soldiers who, despite suffering discrimination back home, offered a contribution that has so far gone largely unnoticed in other Hollywood movies, Lee said.

"We have black people who are fighting for democracy who at the same time are classified as second-class citizens," the 50-year-old filmmaker said. "They behaved like patriots while their brothers were lynched or at best considered second-class citizens. That is why I'd like to do a film to show how these brave black men, despite all the hardship they were going through, still pushed that aside and fought for the greater good."

Spike Lee also slammed Clint Eastwood's Depiction of Black Soldiers in his films [Read More]

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