Thursday, July 16, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Return Of The Fair Weather Blogger; The Fall Of Myspace
Now don't get me wrong I haven't abandoned blogging at all, I just haven't been at a job where I sit in front of the computer for 8+ hours a day. An office job is a blogger's best friend, I used to blog in between work assignments all the fucking time. I'd even take my break or lunch at my desk as I was putting the finishing touches on blog or two or six.

The recent news of my formers employers financial hardships, just put a grin far too big on my face to not blog about it. First and foremost Id like to say Fuck Myspace. Now that we've gotten that out the way, I feel much more revealed. 2 days ago I got a call from a singer/songwriter that I used to work with at, Michael Spencer. I was sitting in traffic at the time on the 405 (as usual) when I got the call about myspace fired 420 people. 420?? What a closet smoker number to pick, not 419 or even 418, they laid off 420 people and probably smoked a J after, WTF?
Funny thing is I heard that they only gave the employees, 3 hours notice...Who does that?? Rupert Murdoch does that. The second he bought myspace it was destined to fail. I worked in the company for over 14-months and that's the number one thing I took from that experience. That those muthafuckas were in way over their heads. The people they had running the CS and the general development team just didnt not have a realist grip on the pulse of the consumer. They tried to over corporatize (if thats even a word) a company and a product that was "designed" to operate very simple and efficiently. After pouring in 3 yrs and thousands of hours of misguided effort, Rupert finally came to the realization that the shit was not working and responded by pretty much firing EVERYONE.
You can read it for yourself
Thursday, May 7, 2009
I Got Fired!

Funny how it all went down though...I was on my way home from work one day on a Friday. A usual Friday like any other friday, nothing special about it at all. Then I get the call out of nowhere, no conference with management, no intervention, no warning they just let me go. I can't say I'm shocked because people at Myspace have been droppin' like flies. They let over 30 people go over the last 3 months including the supervisor of the department whom they escorted out as if he hadn't been working their for 3 years.
The unfortunate loss of my job occured about a week and a half ago and I haven't blogged since. I guess I haven't had anything to blog about or at least nothing to blog about that I felt like was worthwhile or interesting to anyone other than myself. But I'm back now blog world!!! Armed with my trademark wit and undying proclivity toward 4 letter words.
P.S my roomate just called me a fair weather blogger. Fuckin Hilarious!!!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
TV Talk: Lie To Me
If you haven't seen Lie To Me yet I suggest you start, its the hottest new show on TV. I've been watching since they aired the pilot and I've been hooked ever since. The show focuses on a team of investigators that specialize in reading peoples body language and facial expressions to determine whether they are lying on not and more importantly why. But what really makes the show so interesting is the variety of scenarios and situations these investigators find themselves in combined the multi-faceted characters that drive the show (having sexy ass red bone Monica Raymund on the show doesn't hurt either!) In some instances the investigators are more screwed up and damaged than the people theyre investigating, which makes for great television. The show is still in the 1st season and the characters are still developing so nows a good a time as any to jump on board. It airs Wednesday Nights on Fox.
Blackberry App Addiction: Qik
Editor's Pick : Kings Of Leon - Only By The Night

Saturday, April 11, 2009
Now This Is How You Motivate

"We're at a point where I'm getting the fuck outta here. I mean if you're not going to cover Greg Graham if you're just gonna let him drive by ya, if the rest of you are gonna let him catch the ball outside the 3 second line and drive all the way in here without one guy challengin him, then I'm leavin and you guys will fuckin run till you can't eat supper. Now I'm tired of this shit, I'm sick and fuckin tired of a fucking 8-10 record, I'm fuckin tired of losing to Purdue. I'm not here to fuck around this week. Now you may be, but I'm not. Now I'm gonna fuckin guarantee ya that if we don't play it up there Monday night you're ain't gonna believe the next fuckin day. Now I am not here to get my ass beat on Monday and you better fuckin understand that right now. This is absolute fuckin bullshit. Now I'll fuckin run your ass right in the ground. I'll fuckin run you, you'll think last night was a fuckin picnic. I had to sit around for a fuckin year with an 8 and 10 record in this fuckin league. And I mean you will not put me in that fuckin position again, or you will goddamn pay for it like you can't fuckin believe. Now you better get your head outta your ass."
Motivation 101 take note kid.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
This Is Terrible, But Hilarious - Fast & The Furious Spoof (SNL)
This is terrible! SNL has been on lately every since the beginning of the democratic primary, they've been on FIRE.
Zac Farro Is The Coldest On The Drums Right Now
And dude is only 18! I'm shocked so many people are sleeping on his drum work. His drum stylings take on a life of their own in the track always changing, swinging, rolling. They are as unpredictable as the wind. He's a magician on the drums.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Friday, April 3, 2009
RT: Video Games

This blog has been re-posted courtesy of the nihilistic one BlackNintendo
No joke, I have lived for video games ever since I set foot on a powerpad. I might not know everything about games, I don't have the latest systems, and I don't even really play all that much, but video games are the biggest influences by far on my life. I literally work now so that I can have a nice enough apartment with free time and quality equipment for video games. It's not that I am addicted to fun or anything, but there is something to be said for controlling the fate of main characters, basketball players, and fighter ships using only your thumbs and abstract reasoning. I think the significance of what video gaming in our society has just begun. Similar to the novels and films of the previous millennium, video games and their derivatives will be celebrated throughout the Earth as worthy of ubiquitous icon status. 20 years from now, the original Nintendo will be found in museums, and streets in art districts across the will be named after game developers like Miyamoto, and Will Wright.
As you can tell by my 'vision of the future' my love for video games exists on multiple levels, and takes on way too much significance. This is what my blog is about, letting video games tell the story in between the lines, and thriving as humankind's beautiful reflective manifestations of our own earthly ability.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
iPod Shuffle: Kanye West - Apologize (Improvise) UNRELEASED
Probably one of Kanye’s most memorable records and he never officially released it! Crazy to me.
iPod Shuffle: Bittersweet Poetry
Have you ever felt you ever want to kill her?
And you mix them emotions with tequila
And you mix that with a little bad advice
On one of them bad nights, ya'll have a bad fight
And you talking 'bout her family, her aunts and shit
And she say "Motherfucker, yo momma's a bitch!"
You know, domestic drama and shit, all that attitude
I'll never hit a girl, but I'll shake the shit outta you!
But I'mma be the bigger man, Big Pimpin' like Jiggaman
Oh I guess I figure it's...
True Story
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
Crazy Ass Niggas

Ms. L : Greys??
Mike.Dre: Yeah Christina and Owen
Ms. L: I've never seen it...but......I use to be one of those girls. Lmao!
Mike.Dre: Really tell me about those girls, I never understood 'em. Enlighten me.
Ms. L: Well, I have to say, its usually those ones who (when they r acting stable) show you the most adoration & affection... And its hard to look past the good & see the crazy
Mike.Dre: Hmmm that's interesting, so how do normal guys act then??
Ms. L: Well, I mean I am not saying regular guys are bad, I am just saying that me personally like a lot of physical affection & I have found that the craziest guy I Dated was the most hard core when it came to making me feel good.
Ms. L: Well, I dunno.. Regular guys are usually too "cool" to be overly affectionate. My ex was always touching me in someway, & always said things about how cute I was and making sure he made me feel good in bed. Plus, crazy guys KNOW their crazy, so they hav 2 go above & beyond to make up for it
Mike.Dre: Haha interesting.
Ms. L: I don't put up with crazy dudes anymore tho
Mike.Dre: Why?
Ms. L: Cuz the last one (which was right before I met u) fucked me up BIG TIME. I'm still a little scarred from it.
Mike.Dre: wow
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Monday, March 16, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Sometimes My Heart Overflows And Comes Out Through My Fingers

At work on the 6th hour of my 8 ½ hour marathon of mind numbing cubical work, listening to Coldplay’s Parachutes album. Gotta stay calm, don’t panic, watch out for spies, stay out of trouble and get ready to work at high speed. Because everything’s not lost and we never change (unless we have to). Hopefully at least one you feel me.
My School's Going To The 'Big Dance'

I've been going to Cal State Northridge (CSUN) for a few years now and every year its the same story, lose to the conference Juggernaut Pacific (after a hard fought season) and watch the greatest spectacle in all sports March Madness from home. But this year is all about CHANGE and this year boys and girls we've got our dancing shoes ready because we're heading to The Big Dance! Being the Uber Sports Fan that I am I couldn't be more excited!!!! This is my first opportunity to get a change to experience high stakes college athletics with a winning team! For so many years I'd just sit home and watch the Dukes', the North Carolina's, the Georgetown's of the world and wondering why that could be us and why couldn't I be that drunkin' rabbit fan in full body paint haggling the referees??? Well now's my change and its bittersweet to say the least. My school has finally been selected to be part of the field of 64, one of 64 teams fighting for their place in history, part of 64 teams put it all on the line as they race to cut down the nets.
By my accounts March Madness started 2 days ago when Syracuse defeated UConn in 6OT's. The feelings in the air, Can You Feel It? Can Feel It? The type of excitement only found during March Madness. Who's this year's Stephan Curry? Who's this years George Mason or Davison? Could it be Northridge? or maybe your school? Thats what makes The Big Dance, well The Big Dance because you simple dont know whats going to happen. Which No. 1 seed will fall first, will they all fall? Everyone loves a good upset and you wont find bigger upsets anywhere else but here. There's about 10 to 15 teams looking for the biggest win in school history and 10 to 15 teams willing to do anything to prevent that, you couldnt write a better storyline if someone paid you to. Watching the ball hit the bottom of the net from 35 feet as the No. 1 seed falls and the fans of completely unknown Ginavitus University flood the court like a million ants in school colors is sight like no other! The NBA has nothing on passion like this!
My only regret is that I didn't go to school with a better athletic program so I could enjoy this experience more frequently than once every 8 years. With that said, fuck the haters, Lets Go Matadors!!!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Fuck The Police Vol. 10 : Cops Go Chris Brown On Teenage Girl In Jail Cell
I blog about police brutality and their use of excessive force as frequently as I hear about these incidents. Its almost like I collect these news stories and I'm collecting so many that I may have to create a dedicated blog just for all these headlines...maybe or OK, maybe the second one was a little too long but you get the point. These incidents of police misconduct occur far too frequently and it looks like nothing is really being done to address this issue and resolve it. The police have no shame and no respect for anyone its disgusting, and the worse part about it is they are still painted as those here to protect and serve. The only thing these bitch ass niggas are protecting is their own ass and their serving up is racism, bigotry and abuse of power following by 20 shots to the back. And will the punishment fit the crime for these cops that went Chris Brown all upside this young ladies head? Probably not. So I leave you all with my closing statement.
FUCK THE POLICE, comin straight from underground.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Rape Talk
So I got a call from my mom and she told me my sis had a psychological breakdown and they suspect she was raped. But that hasn't been confirmed yet. So right now I'm hot as you can imagine and I got into a convo with my homegirl who had be through a similar experience.
C: yo
Mike.Dre: Hey ya
C: sup wit it mayne?
Mike.Dre: My sister had a psychological breakdown, and we think its becuz she may have been raped. I found out today. I'm very upset, if it turns out he did rape her I'm going to have to have a talk with him
C: oh man
C: I've been there before dude
C: i feel u
C: my dad was ready to beat some ass too
C: but really, i didn't tell anyone for a year because i knew how my father would react and i knew my mom would be pissed
Mike.Dre: You should have had dude prosecuted! Or did you? I want my sisters to press charges and nail his balls to the wall if it turns out he did rape her.
C: no i didn't i felt like it was my fault
C: plus i was a virgin and he gave me something. i was so embarrassed
C: i wish i would've told someone. cause it would've made me so happy to see him behind bars. i hope he didn't do it to anyone else
Mike.Dre: That's what I'm sayin!
C: my little sister pressed charges against the guy that raped her, but they could never find him
C: all of my sisters have been raped
Mike.Dre: Damn!
Mike.Dre: Damn!
Mike.Dre: Damn!
C: yeah.
Mike.Dre: All the guys got away?? I would think that after it happened to the first that would raise awareness and prevent y'all from fallin into the same kinda trap
C: yeah. i didn't know it happened to my other sisters until it happened to the youngest one
C: and they didn't know it happened to me until a year after it happened
Mike.Dre: Oh :(
Mike.Dre: So it wasn't talked about openly?
C: no
C: i told u i was embarrassed
Mike.Dre: I understand.
C: i felt like it was my fault because i stopped fighting him and just laid there and let him finish cause it hurt so much
Mike.Dre: :'(
Mike.Dre: that's kinda what happens when a bigger person gets on top of you they pressure you until they break ur will.
C: yeah, but it happened. i just don't want it to happen to anyone else
C: yeah
Mike.Dre: Just like in a fight.
C: yeah
C: dude was like 230lbs. and i was only 135lbs
Mike.Dre: Exactly its only so much a person can take before their will is broken. Any person in any fight, you just get tired of fighting, tired of the punishment and u just want a way out. Same as a fight when someone is wailing down punch on your head and ur fighting back but aren't getting anywhere.
C: yeah
C: the crazy thing tho. when i gave up, i started crying and he was like "u want me to stop"? like i wanted to have sex in the first place
Mike.Dre: Nothing to be embarrassed about. I been in a position to where a group of dude jumped me and they were kicking my ass and I was fighting back but it hurt and I wasn't winning and I just gave up and started trying to cover up! Next thing I knew I was getting stomped. It happens, I caught them all one on one later but it happens.
Mike.Dre: Yeah weird thing is I know a few girls that like when I guy is physical like, holding them down and being forceful. I think that shits just weird if its with a guy they just met. But I don't know whatever floats they're boat is whatever wit me. But the point is some of these dudes getaway wit behaving that way with certain girls and they think they can do it with any girl.
C: Yeah
Monday, March 2, 2009
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Kanye West Performs Stronger On VH1's Storyteller
Check out the Ye's performance of "Stronger"
My Thoughts On Lil Wayne's "Prom Queen"

Listen to Lil Wayne - “Prom Queen”
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
How A Man Reacts When He Finds Out His Girl Is A Hoe
Start watching at the 13:30 mark in the video. In this scene Alex finds out that Belle is a prostitute, a working girl, a rub and tug specialist and he reacted as any man would.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
For The English Majors, Hall Monitors & Grammar Police
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Justin Timberlake & Andy Samberg on SNL! This Shit Is Hilarious!
My sister was just talking about this SNL skit yesterday, I hadn't seen it nor heard of it. Then when I went to the bowling alley later that night they were playing the video and I was like "What the fuck is this?" Then when I got a closer look I realized it was Justin Timberlake. Hilarious!!!!
Twitter = Addiction
Friday, February 20, 2009
Then out of the blue one day she tells me she kinda has a boyfriend. “You kinda have a boyfriend?” was my immediate response. Turns out they had been kinda together for a year. She then tells me he hasn’t been doing the things he used to do when they first started dating and how I do all the things he doesn’t and blah blah blah. Now she’s confused on what direction to go in and she’s been acting all weird and shit. And my whole thing is why not be honest from the start? I gave her plenty of opportunities to be honest and she chose not to and now we’re where we’re at now. She's confused and behaving strangely and I'm just like "Damn, it was all good just a week ago".
Since I live in LA, I have to put it like this, “Why do women in LA have such a problem being honest?” Is Los Angeles itself to blame? Does being surrounded by fake superficial people and smoke and mirrors systematically prevent women in Los Angeles from being honest with anyone? Does this fake town create fake people? Or is it something much deeper?
My question is why not just be honest? Or at least be honest when someone requests you to? If she said she had a dude in the beginning then she wouldn’t be all confused right now and acting weird.
This isn’t an aberration by any stretch of the word; the number one problem I have with women that I’ve dated out in Los Angeles is that they refuse, refuse, refuse to be honest (not only with me but with themselves as well). It happens every time, it’s like I’m dating the same woman over and over again, and it’s just too predictable. The bodies, the faces, the lies change but the story remains the same and ends the same every single time. And I’m honestly supposed to take any of these relationships seriously??
I can only take women as seriously as they take themselves, and for many of them it’s just In-N-Out like a drive-thru. But I do that and I run the risk of being classified as a playa or dog. What’s brother to do? You do you and they’re calling you a dog, a playa, leaving angry voice mails but you do the right thing like a Spike Lee flick and you get lies and games, what would you do?
It’s so easy to sit back and criticize men and our sometimes deplorable behavior and say fuck men, they’re all "dogs" but it’s much harder for a "bitch" to look at herself in the mirror and recognize her own part in this "doggy dog world".
But I guess it’s like Ja Rule Said:
I'm talkin bout straight figures if you here, you wit us
If not Boo, you know what....I still fucked you
Racism Revisited: NY Post Flex's Their Racist Muscle

I guess I nievely thought that once Obama was elected all these simpleton racist country bumpkin cartoons of him were going to seise. Looks like I was wrong, this is no different that the racist Curious George shirt they made in Georgia last year and far worse than controversial cover of The New Yorker portraying Obama as a terrorist.
What’s up with the new York media and racist propaganda? I never liked New York (more so the New York media) anyway and this just confirms it for me. First the New Yorker, now the New York post? And what makes this whole thinh that much worse is that the NY Post actually defended this sickening cartoon. Like Chris Rock said there’s nothing the white man can do to catch me off guard but I still can’t get away from the fact that I am saddened and offended by this cartoon none the less. But I can say this the NY Post won’t ever get a dime of my money and sure hope in some roundabout way the individuals responsible for this get what coming to them…..a swift beheading should suffice.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
This Auto-Tune Bullshit Is Officially Out Of Hand...
Monday, February 16, 2009
Grey Goose + Rockstar Guava = Happy Black Presidents Day!

Shaq AKA The Big Jabbawockee Dancing At The NBA All-Star Game
After seeing this video there is no doubt in my mind that Shaq is the most talented big man of any kind ever! What can't The Big Jabbawockee do?? (I mean other than free throws)
Sunday, February 15, 2009

Last night I went to go see Taken; everyone has had such high praise for the film I had to see it for myself. After recently seeing Push (which was excellent) and Friday the 13th I wasn’t sure if I was going to be as impressed with Taken as some of my friends. I didn’t have to doubt too long, once Taken started it took off running and never stopped.
Taken had the entire theater (including yours truly) on the edge of our seats wondering what’s going to happen next, watching every clue, paying attention to every line. By the end of the film I was thoroughly satisfied with my experience, if I had to grade Taken I couldn’t give it anything less than an “A”. Its Ransom meets The Bourne series on steroids!! I recommend this movie to anyone.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
My Vantage Point For "Friday The 13th"

Thursday, February 12, 2009
Sean Connery Tells You Why Its OK to Smack A Bitch!
Don't worry Chris Breezy Sean Connery's got your mutha fucka back!!!!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
You Know You're In A Recession When Out Of Work Rappers Are Doing Cash4Gold Commercials
First the McDonald's R&B singing chicken mcnugget commercial, NOW THIS? Seems like hip-hop culture is starting to become the butt of more and more jokes in recent commercials. WTF?
This commercial is ridiculous!! MC Hammer?? This a recession commercial if I ever seen one. You know MC Hammer and Ed McMahon have to be doing really really bad to be in a Cash4Gold commercial whoring themselves off. Whats next DMX is going to be doing bail bonds commercial (lord knows he's got plenty of experience in that department) or Bobby Brown is going to be doing pay day advance loan commercial?? Where's the self respect in a recession people?? Apparently nowhere to be found.
Lil Wayne On ESPN's Around The Horn
Why do obviously uncool white people try to be cool when they get around black people and end up just embarrassing both of them??
Weezy F. Pain (Undisputed Auto-Tune Champion of the World) was on Around The Horn, a fast paced sports talk show on ESPN earlier today. During the show the 2 white panelist kept trying to throw in hip hop phrases and references with their responses to sports questions, failing miserable and creating multiple awkward silent moments. As the segment came to a close (2:10 into the video) in the ultimate showing of utter lameness panelist Woody Paige did what all your drunk white friends do to try to show that they're down and hip, yes people HE STARTED RAPPING, mind you Woody is pushing 63!! Old ass Woody Paige was rapping!! Easily providing the most embarrassing TV moment of the recently blogger coined "post-race era".
But I don't fault Woody Paige at all, busting out in spontaneous raps is a natural Caucasian neuro-response to blackness, especially perceived cool blackness at that. The second your white friends and or coworkers start to perceive you as cool, one of them (the brave one) will inevitably start rapping to you and expressing to you how much they love whatever rapper is hot on Top 40 radio at the time, it might be at a office party or in the car on the way to the club or at a bar in hermosa but it will happen. All you can do is pray the song they pick doesn't have the N-word in it because if it does they will NOT omit the word and that can lead to conversation no one looks forward to. But if you let that N-bomb slide I can guarantee that wont be the last time they drop it in your presence.
Gotta Love Mom
Mom: so why did chris brown beat up rihanna????????
Mike.Dre: I heard she told him that she gave him "herpes"!!! But right now I don't know if that's the truth or not but that's the hottest rumor coming from that situation.
Mom: bad but u still can not beat up girls -his fans are females
Mike.Dre: Yeah I know. I was saying he's in the limelight and no matter how mad he gets he needs to find away to control himself.
Its a lot more at stake for him than most. But then again he is young and stupid.
Mom: his step father beat his mother so they will probably use that as a excuse to give him a break poor traumatized kid loses control- that boy is from the streets and gave her a old fashion ass whipping
Mike.Dre: Lmao!!!
Read The Entire Obama Blackberry Article <<
Monday, February 9, 2009
Lamar Odom High In Post Game Interview?
Fast forward 2 minutes into the video and watch Lamar Odom's interview. Is it just me or was Lamar Odom high as hell in the post game interview??? His eyes were hella red and he kept saying the word focus over and over again, then he said some funny shit to the interviewer chick and walked off...That's some high nigga shit If I ever seen it, rambling on and on repeating his self. (Trust me I know)
Lamar has been playing lights out basketball as of late and the mary jane may be whats triggering the recent improvement in his game (a new found focus...weed is good for that). This has been the best stretch of Odom's career as of late and its been right when the Lakers' needed him to step up the most. He's played big on the big stages, @ Boston and @ Cleveland both likely NBA Finals opponents.
If Odom is Popeye and mary jane is his spinach, then I say "Odom keep on tokin that pineapple express!", because he's averaging 20 and 10 over the past 3 games almost double his season average (10 and 6)! And finally starting to play aggressive down the stretch and attack the basket.
So Kudos to Odom and his green thumb.
Friday, February 6, 2009

I'm selling it for $650 but I've gotten soooo many weird low ball offers that I’m just at the point where I'm fuckin with people now, making bizarre requests and shit. For example I posted my number on the ad and said call or text me. So some dude texted me this:
Some dude: Offer 300 Cash
Mike.Dre : 500 cash, Tropic Thunder on DVD and a bag of Flaming Hot Fritos and you have yourself a deal!!!
(at this point I didn’t expect to hear from him again, then he texted me back)
Some dude: I will consider it.
The next mutha fucka that lowballs me is going to get an even more ridiculous stipulation. Like “500 Cash, an Oreo cheese cake and a bottle of Cambodian breast milk.”
Becasue when times get rough a bottle of Cambodian Leche can be invaluable.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Kid Still High After Trip To The Dentist
Signs That You're Too High: When you say "Is this gonna last forever?"
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Inglewood Always Up To No Good

How they gone use a homeless woman to advertise how to get "GET CASH NOW" thats like a barefoot shoe salesman, a barber with a fucked up hair cut or a car salesman thats riding the bus, something just aint right about it (to me at least).
Whats the most interesting thing about it is that the homeless woman's depiction of lady liberty is the most accurate one I've seen in a while. With the nation in a financial crisis the American dream is starting to fall from the lofty expectations of lady liberty in New York to the grimier down on her luck Lady Liberty of the proud city of Inglewood.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Proof Black Dont Crack!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Wake Up! Lil Wayne Exposed.
Ive known about this for some time now. Now everyone knows.
"Ghostwriter and for the right price I can make your shit tighter!"
Check Out: Drake ft. Lil Wayne - Ransom and Drake Ft. Lil Wayne - I Want This Forever also.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Teacher Is A Freak!

I actually was trying to get it cracking with one of the substitute teachers back in high school. I’ll never forget her, she was rather sexy and she was lightweight on ya boy too! But the closest I got was....gettin' it poppin with one of the my summer camp counselors back in the 7th grade, after I got some 3rd base action with her, niggas couldn’t tell me “shit” till 8th grade came around, I was the man in my eyes (and that's when my fascination for older women first began and I've been going strong ever since). Now I've had a few teachers since I’ve been out of high school but that does really count, its not the same. But I can tell you "this" from experience Teacher is a Freak.
After seeing this list of teachers that got it poppin with students it leaves me wondering where some of these teachers were when I was in school????
Emily Streb
Student’s age: 16
Lauren Kathleen Palmer
Student’s age: 16 [girl]

Christina Lin Butler
Student’s age: 16
Jennifer Rice
Student’s age: 10. Yes, 10.
Sheryl A. Nawahine
Student’s age: 16
Kimberly Nack
Student’s age: 16
Christine Scarlett
Student’s age: 17
Angela Renee Comer
Student’s age: 14
Heather Thorsby
Student’s age: 17
Erica Umosella
Student’s age: 17
Carrie Bishop
Student’s age: 17

Janelle Batkins
Student’s age: 17

Kirsten Ann Kinley
Student’s age: 15
And these are just a few of them, it was over 2 dozen incidents in 2007 alone.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
The Black Nerd: The Silent Gate Keepers Of Black Society
Black Nerd List