So I got a call from my mom and she told me my sis had a psychological breakdown and they suspect she was raped. But that hasn't been confirmed yet. So right now I'm hot as you can imagine and I got into a convo with my homegirl who had be through a similar experience.
C: yo
Mike.Dre: Hey ya
C: sup wit it mayne?
Mike.Dre: My sister had a psychological breakdown, and we think its becuz she may have been raped. I found out today. I'm very upset, if it turns out he did rape her I'm going to have to have a talk with him
C: oh man
C: I've been there before dude
C: i feel u
C: my dad was ready to beat some ass too
C: but really, i didn't tell anyone for a year because i knew how my father would react and i knew my mom would be pissed
Mike.Dre: You should have had dude prosecuted! Or did you? I want my sisters to press charges and nail his balls to the wall if it turns out he did rape her.
C: no i didn't i felt like it was my fault
C: plus i was a virgin and he gave me something. i was so embarrassed
C: i wish i would've told someone. cause it would've made me so happy to see him behind bars. i hope he didn't do it to anyone else
Mike.Dre: That's what I'm sayin!
C: my little sister pressed charges against the guy that raped her, but they could never find him
C: all of my sisters have been raped
Mike.Dre: Damn!
Mike.Dre: Damn!
Mike.Dre: Damn!
C: yeah.
Mike.Dre: All the guys got away?? I would think that after it happened to the first that would raise awareness and prevent y'all from fallin into the same kinda trap
C: yeah. i didn't know it happened to my other sisters until it happened to the youngest one
C: and they didn't know it happened to me until a year after it happened
Mike.Dre: Oh :(
Mike.Dre: So it wasn't talked about openly?
C: no
C: i told u i was embarrassed
Mike.Dre: I understand.
C: i felt like it was my fault because i stopped fighting him and just laid there and let him finish cause it hurt so much
Mike.Dre: :'(
Mike.Dre: that's kinda what happens when a bigger person gets on top of you they pressure you until they break ur will.
C: yeah, but it happened. i just don't want it to happen to anyone else
C: yeah
Mike.Dre: Just like in a fight.
C: yeah
C: dude was like 230lbs. and i was only 135lbs
Mike.Dre: Exactly its only so much a person can take before their will is broken. Any person in any fight, you just get tired of fighting, tired of the punishment and u just want a way out. Same as a fight when someone is wailing down punch on your head and ur fighting back but aren't getting anywhere.
C: yeah
C: the crazy thing tho. when i gave up, i started crying and he was like "u want me to stop"? like i wanted to have sex in the first place
Mike.Dre: Nothing to be embarrassed about. I been in a position to where a group of dude jumped me and they were kicking my ass and I was fighting back but it hurt and I wasn't winning and I just gave up and started trying to cover up! Next thing I knew I was getting stomped. It happens, I caught them all one on one later but it happens.
Mike.Dre: Yeah weird thing is I know a few girls that like when I guy is physical like, holding them down and being forceful. I think that shits just weird if its with a guy they just met. But I don't know whatever floats they're boat is whatever wit me. But the point is some of these dudes getaway wit behaving that way with certain girls and they think they can do it with any girl.
C: Yeah
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