Thursday, December 25, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Every Black Person Should Be Reading This Blog!

It will make your interactions with white people much more interesting and entertaining. During your interactions with whites they will trigger some to several of the topics mention on the site from their love for ugly sweater parties to their undying passion for proper grammar. You can also bedazzle the occasional white girl with your in-depth knowledge of the white race and have a good chuckle in the cut with the rest of your black coworkers about how your boss loves Stuff White People Like # 116, #101 and #11!!! Trust me this will ensure hours of laughs at the work place and make your encounters with whiteness that much more enjoyable.
I can honestly say that every white person I have encountered at work has exhibit some to multiple behaviors outlined on the site from their obsession with Halloween, open refusal to let out-dated black music go to driving Toyota Prius’s the author of the site has white people pegged and its hilarious!
Here's a Full List Of Stuff White People Like explored by the author of the site so far
- #118 Ugly Sweater Parties
- #117 Political Prisoners
- #116 Black Music that Black People Don’t Listen to Anymore
- #115 Promising to Learn a New Language
- #114 America
- #113 Halloween
- #112 Hummus
- #111 Pea Coats
- #110 Frisbee Sports
- #109 The Onion
- #108 Appearing to Enjoy Classical Music
- #107 Self Aware Hip Hop References
- #106 Facebook
- #105 Unpaid Internships
- #104 Girls with Bangs
- #103 Sweaters
- #102 Children’s Games as Adults
- #101 Being Offended
- #100 Bumper Stickers
- #99 Grammar
- #98 The Ivy League
- #97 Scarves
- #96 New Balance Shoes
- #95 Rugby
- #94 Free Healthcare
- #93 Music Piracy
- #92 Book Deals
- #91 San Francisco
- #90 Dinner Parties
- #89 St. Patrick’s Day
- #88 Having Gay Friends
- #87 Outdoor Performance Clothes
- #86 Shorts
- #85 The Wire
- #84 T-Shirts
- #83 Bad Memories of High School
- #82 Hating Corporations
- #81 Graduate School
- #80 The Idea of Soccer
- #79 Modern Furniture
- #78 Multilingual Children
- #77 Musical Comedy
- #76 Bottles of Water
- #75 Threatening to Move to Canada
- #74 Oscar Parties
- #73 Gentrification
- #72 Study Abroad
- #71 Being the only white person around
- #70 Difficult Breakups
- #69 Mos Def
- #68 Michel Gondry
- #67 Standing Still at Concerts
- #66 Divorce
- #65 Co-Ed Sports
- #64 Recycling
- #63 Expensive Sandwiches
- #62 Knowing What’s Best for Poor People
- #61 Bicycles
- #60 Toyota Prius
- #59 Natural Medicine
- #58 Japan
- #57 Juno
- #56 Lawyers
- #55 Apologies
- #54 Kitchen Gadgets
- #53 Dogs
- #52 Sarah Silverman
- #51 Living by the Water
- #50 Irony
- #49 Vintage
- #48 Whole Foods and Grocery Co-ops
- #47 Arts Degrees
- #46 The Sunday New York Times
- #45 Asian Fusion Food
- #44 Public Radio
- #43 Plays
- #42 Sushi
- #41 Indie Music
- #40 Apple Products
- #39 Netflix
- #38 Arrested Development
- #37 Renovations
- #36 Breakfast Places
- #35 The Daily Show/Colbert Report
- #34 Architecture
- #33 Marijuana
- #32 Vegan/Vegetarianism
- #31 Snowboarding
- #30 Wrigley Field
- #29 80s Night
- #28 Not having a TV
- #27 Marathons
- #26 Manhattan (now Brooklyn too!)
- #25 David Sedaris
- #24 Wine
- #23 Microbreweries
- #22 Having Two Last Names
- #21 Writers Workshops
- #20 Being an expert on YOUR culture
- #19 Traveling
- #18 Awareness
- #17 Hating their Parents
- #16 Gifted Children
- #15 Yoga
- #14 Having Black Friends
- #13 Tea
- #12 Non-Profit Organizations
- #11 Asian Girls
- #10 Wes Anderson Movies
- #9 Making you feel bad about not going outside
- #8 Barack Obama
- #7 Diversity
- #6 Organic Food
- #5 Farmer’s Markets
- #4 Assists
- #3 Film Festivals
- #2 Religions their parents don’t belong to
- #1 Coffee
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
We Wear The Mask

Some muthafuckas at the job were hating on me today, going at my boss about some stupid petty shit without ever addressing the issue with me. So my boss has to pull me away from my desk and have a one-on-one with me in our conference over this bullshit. I was so frustrated that I said what I had to say about it and walked out.
I was talkin' to my partna at work about it and he encouraged me to be cool, while reminding me of fact that unemployment is up 6% and that he and I both know when we (african-americans) are at work we must Wear the Mask and wear it tight.
Paul Laurence Dunbar (1872-1906)
We Wear The Mask
We wear the mask that grins and lies,
It hides our cheeks and shades our eyes,—
This debt we pay to human guile;
With torn and bleeding hearts we smile,
And mouth with myriad subtleties.
Why should the world be over-wise,
In counting all our tears and sighs?
Nay, let them only see us, while
We wear the mask.
We smile, but, O great Christ, our cries
To thee from tortured souls arise.
We sing, but oh the clay is vile
Beneath our feet, and long the mile;
But let the world dream otherwise,
We wear the mask!
Although he lived to be only 33 years old, Dunbar was prolific, writing short stories, novels, librettos, plays, songs and essays as well as the poetry for which he became well known. He was popular with black and white readers of his day, and his works are celebrated today by scholars and school children alike.
His style encompasses two distinct voices -- the standard English of the classical poet and the evocative dialect of the turn-of-the-century black community in America. He was gifted in poetry -- the way that Mark Twain was in prose -- in using dialect to convey character.
Friday, December 5, 2008
How Could You Be So Heartless?
That's a cold myspace headline.....is it really so??
I am afraid it is so. Thats how I feel, these niggas out here are full of shit so y not join them
:( oh no, you hit that point. Thats bad, most women I know our age have uttered those exact words to me. I just can't tell you how many times I've heard that statement. But ultimately, the whole cliche' "If you cant beat them join them" DOES NOT i repeat DOES NOT apply to matters of the heart.
I hope you find a silver lining to your cloud and rise above this because I've seen too many good girls let a little heartache turn them into damaged ass scared up shrewds with trust issues who never open up and eventually become man haters and raise damned little man hating kids.
Its like the classic Jay-Z line "Once a good girl's gone bad, she's gone forever..."
Don't let this cold cold world get you down because for alot of women once they pass a certain point mentally/emotionally its no turning back. And by the time they have exercise their demons and issues with the opposite sex (at around 35-40 years old) its often too late to do anything about it.
I grew up around women, especially my mom who was and is still very damaged. So I speak from experience not speculation.
The key I have seen is just to Live Your Life, have fun with your friends, go places, do things you enjoy and find a world of happiness on your own and once a love interests enters that equation let him just be an addition to an already fun and successful life. So just in case for whatever reason, if he is "subtracted" from the situation it doesn't rock the boat, figuratively speaking.
I know nothing about your situation at all but i just know how men can be.
Damn you wrote me the best novel I've ever read and ur pretty much on it exactly wat u said is exactly what I am doin', I am trying to enjoy life for what it is and if love comes my way then it does, I may be a little bitter but that does not prevent me from giving the next nigga a chance, I just have my guards up when it comes to certain types. As for trust, I trust u till u give me a reason to don't trust you but thanks for the words of advice, I much appreciate it and felt every word you said Mr. blogger. U should write a book called the damaged heart
I have written a 3,000 word essay on it (though it is unfinished, but will be finished) that I intend to post on a blog one day but I want to wait till I have a larger reader base because I don't want such a profound piece to be waisted. But maybe if I keep writing I can come up with enough material for an actually book.
Well I am glad that my word were of use to you.
Do you! Do you! Do you! and don't take these niggas too seriously unless they show you they are worth it and alot of em aren't.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Remember This?
[Phone rings]
[Girl:] Hello?
[Guy:] Whose dick you sucking?
[Girl:] Don't call me with that bullshit, alright
[Guy:] You lying, you lying to me, Di
[Girl:] Yeah exactly
[Guy:] Whose dick you sucking? C'mon Di, I just heard some shit about you, some foul shit. The fucks the deal?
[Girl:] Suck my fucking dick you bitchass nigga! I don't
[Guy:] No you explain it to me bitch. You know what I'm talking about.
[Girl:] I don't know nobody up here! I don't fuck with nobody up here and I ain't been fucking with nobody up here! I don't know nobody in fucking Yonkers!
[Guy:] Lying ass bitch. You ain't shit.....Do I got to hollar his name too?
[Girl:] Who the fuck is he?!
[Guy:] Bitch you fuckin Em!
[Hangs up]
Seal : Soul : Review
Well produced, well executed and every song is solid by my estimation, he did his thing on this one but 6 records really stand out for me.
2. I Can't Stand The Rain
3. It's A Man's Man's Man's World
9. I'm Still In Love With You
11. Stand By Me
12. People Get Ready
10. Free (is also a good one, but Mariah's rendition of the record is just sharper and seems to stand out in my head for some reason) Though most of these songs have been covered hundreds of times, I won’t hold that against him, I'm just going to judge this off the merit of the records themselves in the time period it was released (2008) and overall the record is solid from top to bottom.
The overall theme of the album is love, freedom and change, I cant argue with that. I feel like the record is well done and well timed, like the Ultimate Soul Mix CD that just hits in the right places and the right time.
This Shit Is Fucking Hilarious!!!!!
Monday, November 24, 2008
What The Fuck Is This??
What the fuck is this?? Is this a joke?? or was this suppose to encourage me to buy some chicken mcnuggets? None of McDonald's so-called urban marketing campaigns encourage me to buy McDonald's at all. Like the one that had last year where the dude was rapping in the cypher about the McDonalds dollar value menu. That shit was hella corny and this is no different, whoever they have in their urban marketing department needs to be fired immediately because its obvious they know nothing.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
What Happened To The Black Sitcom?

I was watching TV on my 55" Sony High Def TV (Yeah Boi!!!) the other day and my nigga Robnigga asked me why the fuck do I watch so many white sitcoms. And my response was what the fuck else am I going to watch??? There aren't any worthwhile black sitcoms on TV are there? After about 5 minutes of hard pondering we came to the realization that we couldn't name a single black sitcom on TV right now. WTF?
So my question is What Happened To The Black Sitcom?
How did the black sitcom get phased out of TV and get replaced by shows like Flavor of Love and Hell Date?
I remember growing up watching tons of black sitcoms. Shit thats all I used to watch growin' up black sitcoms and cartoons.
We used to have:
The Steve Harvey Show
Martin Family Matters
A Different World
The Fresh Prince of Bel Air
The Wayans Bros.
The Parent ‘Hood.
In The House
Living Single
The Jamie Foxx Show
Hangin With Mr.Cooper
Now what do we have???
What we need is some new Black sitcoms in HD!!!! I need my blackness in High Definition!
You're Losing If You Haven't Seen The New Luda Video
Ludacris Co-Staring T-Pain- One More Drink (Video)
This video is great, its vintage Luda! I just hope the rest of the album has as much style, energy and fun factor as this song and video does. I'm a Luda fan but his last album was rather boring by Ludacris standards, it just wasn't ludacris enough for me. But this video is ludacris, ridiculous and it got me ready to stand up and throw some 'bows!
Vibe Magazine Sucks!
If Plies is the Future of Rap, then put me out of my misery and kill me now!
Its clear that Vibe knows nothing about rap whatsoever, the talent gap between Plies and the Jay-Z's, Luda's, Ye's and Lupe's of the world is monumental. Plies is in the bottom Tier of rappers, he cant even get on songs with todays heavy hitters, he cant even rap on beat most of the time, so how the fuck is he the future of rap??? Nigga Please!
The whole Vibe staff needs to be bitch slapped for this cover!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Melvin Manoef vs Evangelista "Cyborg" Santos - Cage Rage 15
I been a Melvin Manoef fan since I first saw his highlight reel of KO's on Youtube (earlier this year) and dude doesn't dissappoint. Here's a vidoe I came across recently of one of his most famous fights. Personally, I just cant wait till UFC offers him a contract so I can see him agianst stiffer competition because Melvin is a beast and I love to see him agianst some top fighters.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Katt Williams - It's Pimpin' Pimpin'
This is the new Katt Williams' Stand-Up "It's Pimpin' Pimpin'" and this shit is hilarious from start to finish. I was some what of a Katt Williams fan before but after this special his body of work speaks of itself, dude is here to stay!
Katt Williams was speaking some real shit on this one:
“If you’re a real ass mutha fucka they hate you with every fucking thing they got, they cant stand it, they hate what you look like, what you're wearing, what you're driving, what you talk about, what you think about and you just gone have to understand that’s the way it is."CHUUCH!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Michael Crabtree or Graham Harrell For Heisman?
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Yes this is proof If I ever seen it. I always felt like this country was too racist to vote for black man no matter how much more qualified he was than his white counterpart. Today I am wrong and have never felt happier about being wrong ever.
I feel hope for America for all those people who could have voted the same way they have for last 220 years, “if it aint white, it aint right” but instead chose to put their prejudice and fear of the unknown behind them to vote for Barack Obama and the change he represents. This gives me hope for America, a hope I never would have imagined I'd have. I mean, dude won in a land slide! How could one candidate represent so much and he never slipped up, never lose focus, never deviated from his message. This man is not only historic but heroic!!!!
I don't know about you but he is "My Hero"!
Class act all the way!
And when he said “I'm your president too, even for all those whose votes I did not earn!” that shit was just another statement to cement the fact that dude is on another level.
He stood in the face of death threats, racism from so many different directions, people questioning his heritage, his religion, his very name and through all that this man never flinched, never lost his focus, never hit back. He just continued to run his flawless campaign. HERO.
He never alienated anyone, and always praised the candidates running against him, many times at the beginning of his own speeches. The whole way he conducted himself set a new standard politically and socially and for that he has my respect.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
This is how I see it today:
My last blog about America I wrote about how disappointed I am in America, but this blog I write about how proud I am of America. A nation that has a long and storied history of racial oppression and bigotry has taking its first step in healing one of many wounds by looking past the policies of the past, by looking past the color of a man’s skin and electing the first Black President of the United States of America. I know so many Americas were tempted to fall back on the old customs and old ways. But on Nov. 4th many Americas put aside their prejudices and proclivity to sameness and took a chance, a chance on Change. And to be honest I did not believe America had grown up enough to take that chance, just 50 years removed from the Jim Crowe laws, from the open Lynching of Blacks, from the Civil Right Movement I just didn’t believe that this nation had moved far enough away from its racist roots. Up until 8pm on Nov.4th I felt like somehow some way racist white America was going to find away to steal this moment from us just as they have stolen everything else from us. But when CNN projected that Obama was the president-elect just as the polls on the west coast were closing (8pm) all that hostility all the disappointment and distrust was released and replace by a feeling of joy, pride and Hope.
This was a defining moment for me as black man for the first time I looked at this nation and said “maybe there’s hope for us all after all”. This is a moment where hope, optimism and equality overtook Racism, and it’s about fuckin’ time! Even if this moment only last 24 hours, I’m going to revel in my naive belief that things are going to be different now but that’s only until reality sinks in I hear a few gun shots from around the corner as the police continue to murder unarmed black men like cattle. This moment will not end racism but this is a shining example that America is not as racist as I thought it was and that’s all the Hope I need. I mean I was just sure that racist white America could not look past their racism to the side once they stepped in the voting booth, boy was I wrong.
No one would have believed America would have voted for a black man in a landslide for President, even one such as Obama who was so qualified, so educated and so dignified. The perception that America was just too over ran with racism and prejudice to vote in a black president has long been America’s calling card and today that perception has changed. Being black in America it’s like you’ve always had to work twice as hard and had to be twice as good as your white counterpart just to get the “chance” to compete and Obama’s campaign was exactly that. Twice as good as good as McCain’s campaign from top to bottom. Obama’s political campaign was near perfect as MSNBC described it, and it had to be.
Condoleezza Rice was absolutely correct when she said: “There was a threshold that we crossed as a nation yesterday”
The social implications of Barack Obama’s presidency as a well educated, dignified, classy black man are endless. He broke a glass ceiling today and raised the bar for all of us, not only people of color but for whites as well. The dignity and respect he exhibited for himself, for the nation’s people and even for his opposing candidates during his campaign should be a lesson to us all and a blue print for a new kind of politics.
What was the most astonishing thing about Obama’s message is that he continues to use the words we, us, ours not me and I when delivering his speeches, attaching a certain degree of accountability to Americans for the fate of this nation.
He established a new template for politics putting the issues above his race, he ran as an American candidate who happens to be black not a black president. He created the template for all future people of color who run for president.
His HUMILITY and strength through all this is to be admired.
I look at all these people who put their prejudice to the side , put their stereotypes to the side, put their fear of the black man and blackness to the side and judge this man off the strength of his own merits and voted for him, within that act I see hope. Hope that people will put their prejudice and stereotypes against me because of the color of my skin to the side and judge me truly off the merit of my character. Hope for all those who would face potential discrimination, this gives us all hope that Americans as a whole can look past their prejudices, judge us my the strength of our character and treat us equality.
Black Girl Lost
So this black girl I work with for all intents and purposes let’s call her Black Girl Lost told me she didn’t vote because it was against her beliefs. Her argument is that she doesn’t believe in the president or the government, she believes in god so she doesn’t vote. WTF?? She said the president can’t end world hunger or change the hearts of murders and child molesters so she won’t vote for him. Much of her so called beliefs and argument was surrounded around her trying to insinuate that somehow voting for the first black president was against god.
Where the fuck this girl got this notion I don’t even fucking know. Just thinking about that ignorant shit this little black girl was spitting just pisses me off. And you know I just couldn’t let that shit ride, so our little convo in the hallway at work led to us emailing each other back and forth. Check it out. (EXCUSE THE TYPO’s PASSION AND SPELL CHECK DON’T MIX)
The man will be gone in 4-8 years but the history, the breakthrough, the glass ceiling that was shattered, the progress will be remember forever. In the 1960’s we were still fighting for our right vote, the right to be treated as more than ¾‘s of a man and little did they know 40 years later the very same blacks who whites didn’t even see as a full person would have one their own elected to the high position in the nation…President of the United States. Not vice president, President! For a poor nation that has struggled to make it in a world of dollars and oppression this is a breakthrough. And you think all of this progress, this whole movement for blacks civil rights our fight for equality all happened without GOD?? God was the driving force behind all of this from day one and still is; our never ending crusade for EQUALITY is all gods’ work. It’s the devil that wants us divided and unequal. Without god we would still slaves but today the door is wide open, more open than ever before. But there are still many miles to go before we are truly equal. Join the fight, this was not a vote for a man to be president for 4-8 years this was vote for equality a vote to show the world that we as black people are capable of anything. This was a vote for opportunity…the vote for us to have the opportunity to pursue our dreams without prejudice, and if that’s not a vote worth casting than what is???????
Michael you are dear to me and I don’t want our friendship to come to bad terms over our beliefs. It shouldn’t. I respect you and I do not attack you about what I believe. If you feel you would like to teach me something then by any means, do so. I absolutely adore men who stand and teach. But you can’t teach people about what you feel is truth by telling them what they believe is wrong or not the best way. You, obviously won’t want to hear me out so how can you expect for me to be 100% into what you are trying to convey. Just as they fought and died for their beliefs, I will do the same for mine. I have the same right as everyone else here to fight for what I believe in. My voting has everything to do with belief. If I believed that ANY of these presidents could end world hunger, or change the heart conditions of child predators, murders, I would be the first to vote. My belief is that only GOD can do this. I will believe this until the day I die.
I guess it’s much easier to try to say its god vs. politics and since that’s the vision of life that you have created in your mind no one conversation with a random black man at work via email is going to change that but this is needs to be said. It’s not God vs. Politics….it’s not “I believe in god so I don’t vote”. You vote because you want there to be better opportunities for you future relatives who will be black, and they will be raised with more self confident and high expectations because they will have been raised knowing there was a black president. They have for so long raised us and tough us our history as second class citizens and that’s done damage to our entire races self esteem. But no long can they continue to teach our kids in these classrooms across America this jaded history of the black second class citizen now that a black person has reached the highest point in society and done it with Class & dignity like no other.
“If I believed that ANY of these presidents could end world hunger, or change the heart conditions of child predators, murders, I would be the first to vote.”
Why would any vote have that much value?? What bold expectations, a vote , a 5 minute process is not going to:
- End world hunger
- Change the heart conditions of child predators or murders
"Why would any vote have that much value?? What bold expectations, a vote, a 5 minute process is not going "
If it took me 5 seconds I still would not participate esp. if it does not have much value. Plain and simple, BLACKS are not the only ones to face evil injustices. So a BLACK PRESIDENT does not move me. It is bigger than BLACK, PURPLE, WHITE, OR BROWN,. THIS IS ABOUT INNOCENSE. INNOCENT BLOOD has been shed in all RACES.
“You vote because you want there to be better opportunities for you future relatives who will be black, and they will be raised with more self confident and high expectations because they will have been raised knowing there was a black president.”
Do you not agree that if everyone applied the very principals that GOD wants us to live by that we would have no need for a president? He tells us to love one another, be at peace, forgive. Would things not be beneficial for everyone? This is what I will teach my children. For me… There is no greater teacher, no greater hope, no greater love. My children will be first in GOD eyes if they put him first and so will I. I have a peace that you could not understand because I have found the truth.
“so while you are waiting for God to End World hunger and change the hearts of Child Predators and Murders what are you going to do in the meantime???”
This is a part of taking a stand for what I believe, waiting. Having faith that he will put a end to all of this. If you knew you’ll know that he promises that he will not leave us. So until that time comes… I will pray. I will pray for his will to take place, for forgiveness of my sins and well as the sins of others. I will live to the best of my ability to be righteous in his eyes. And that’s all that matters to me. He will save us ALL if we put faith in him.
Ok I guess you can walk around and ignore the fact that you are black but most Americans cannot. And no matter how large your blinders are and as much as you may try to sweep it under the rug you are as much black as you are a woman, as much as you are person. So if you chose to sweep your race and all injustices we have faced and continue to face in this county under the rug then clearly we are in two different books.
“You vote because you want there to be better opportunities for you future relatives who will be black, and they will be raised with more self confident and high expectations because they will have been raised knowing there was a black president.”
Do you not agree that if everyone applied the very principals that GOD wants us to live by that we would have no need for a president? He tells us to love one another, be at peace, forgive. Would things not be beneficial for everyone? This is what I will teach my children. For me… There is no greater teacher, no greater hope, no greater love. My children will be first in GOD eyes if they put him first and so will I. I have a peace that you could not understand because I have found the truth.
“so while you are waiting for God to End World hunger and change the hearts of Child Predators and Murders what are you going to do in the meantime???”
This is apart of taking a stand for what I believe, waiting. Having faith that he will put a end to all of this. If you knew you’ll know that he promises that he will not leave us. So until that time comes… I will pray. I will pray for his will to take place, for forgiveness of my sins and well as the sins of others. I will live to the best of my ability to be righteous in his eyes. And that’s all that matters to me. He will save us ALL if we put faith in him.
I don’t know where you were going with any of this, none of this address any of what I was talking about and definitely doesn’t contradict any of what I said. I’m not sure if this was your rebuttal but it’s not even on topic with what I was talking about. All of what you said is based around truth but none has anything to do with what I was talking about.
Throughout history god has empowered men, women, nations to make all the changes you speech of. And god will continue to do so but when god give you the power to make a difference you have to make that difference. Not just sit there and wait for a hand to come out of the sky and sweep away all the bad things, god sent Jesus down as a person, a man to physically enact the things that needed to happen in the world. When you are standing on the door steps of history and god has given you the power to become a part of changing history for the better you need to act on that. You could have been born at anytime in any place but you were born into this recent carnation of American and you were given the chance like all of us to rewrite history and start this country going in a positive direction and you did not exercise the power god gave you. It’s that simple.
What do you think a president’s Job is??? To end world hunger??
To change the hearts of people??? A presidents job and Gods job are different can’t you see this??
Why do you keep trying to compare the president to GOD and using that as your excuse to not vote???
So I guess you don’t see a black president after we had been stolen and enslaved, lynched and discriminated against for so long as a good thing??
And god wouldn’t want you to vote for a good thing right????
I guess you don’t see a black president as a positive change for America right???
But I already know the deal you’re not going to answered these questions because you have answered "zero" of my questions from the last 3 emails, which worries me. But its O.K.
You need to watch the speech. And if you still feel like somehow the unity and positivity the Obama’s is bad thing and god wouldn’t have wanted you to vote ( you and you alone can share that belief) then so be it but watch the video before pass judgment. The bible says “Be quick to Listen and Slow to speak”
***She stopped replying at this point***
I figured out what wrong with this girls logic or lack thereof…she seems to believe that rest of the world thinks the president is god and that he is suppose to do gods job and since he can’t do gods job he doesn’t deserve her vote.
So it is painfully obvious that she has no idea what a president’s job is to do and that she is reveling in her own lack of knowledge on the subject.
Yes I have read her emails extensively and that’s what is going. She said that voting for president was against her beliefs and she explained her beliefs to me and that’s what she said. She just keeps trying say that the president can’t do this (end world hunger) and can’t do that (can’t change the hearts of child molesters) and that we should never believe in man and blah blah. And I’m like why do think that’s the president’s role in this world??
Her whole basis for the argument is comparing the president to God and showing how he is going to far short. Duh. Why would you be comparing the president to God in the first place?? We vote for a man to do a job and as an addition bonus we voted for a relative change in the oppressive history of this county, we voted for the creed that all men are created equal and should be treated as such.