That's a cold myspace headline.....is it really so??
I am afraid it is so. Thats how I feel, these niggas out here are full of shit so y not join them
:( oh no, you hit that point. Thats bad, most women I know our age have uttered those exact words to me. I just can't tell you how many times I've heard that statement. But ultimately, the whole cliche' "If you cant beat them join them" DOES NOT i repeat DOES NOT apply to matters of the heart.
I hope you find a silver lining to your cloud and rise above this because I've seen too many good girls let a little heartache turn them into damaged ass scared up shrewds with trust issues who never open up and eventually become man haters and raise damned little man hating kids.
Its like the classic Jay-Z line "Once a good girl's gone bad, she's gone forever..."
Don't let this cold cold world get you down because for alot of women once they pass a certain point mentally/emotionally its no turning back. And by the time they have exercise their demons and issues with the opposite sex (at around 35-40 years old) its often too late to do anything about it.
I grew up around women, especially my mom who was and is still very damaged. So I speak from experience not speculation.
The key I have seen is just to Live Your Life, have fun with your friends, go places, do things you enjoy and find a world of happiness on your own and once a love interests enters that equation let him just be an addition to an already fun and successful life. So just in case for whatever reason, if he is "subtracted" from the situation it doesn't rock the boat, figuratively speaking.
I know nothing about your situation at all but i just know how men can be.
Damn you wrote me the best novel I've ever read and ur pretty much on it exactly wat u said is exactly what I am doin', I am trying to enjoy life for what it is and if love comes my way then it does, I may be a little bitter but that does not prevent me from giving the next nigga a chance, I just have my guards up when it comes to certain types. As for trust, I trust u till u give me a reason to don't trust you but thanks for the words of advice, I much appreciate it and felt every word you said Mr. blogger. U should write a book called the damaged heart
I have written a 3,000 word essay on it (though it is unfinished, but will be finished) that I intend to post on a blog one day but I want to wait till I have a larger reader base because I don't want such a profound piece to be waisted. But maybe if I keep writing I can come up with enough material for an actually book.
Well I am glad that my word were of use to you.
Do you! Do you! Do you! and don't take these niggas too seriously unless they show you they are worth it and alot of em aren't.
hey hey, jst lookin around ur blog, ur pretty good, and i wana ask u when will u post the essay??
Just waiting for the right time Sofia. But maybe if the blog picks up then I'll get the chance to hit the people with the real.
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