Saturday, February 28, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
How A Man Reacts When He Finds Out His Girl Is A Hoe
For those of you that dont know, this is every man's Nightmare! Nightmare! Nightmare! Finding out your girl is a hoe can be "devastating" to the male psyche and ego; sometimes the damage is permanent. Alex's reaction is so true to life that I had to post it because I don't know if you're ever going to see the topic examined with such candor and honesty. Good television.
Start watching at the 13:30 mark in the video. In this scene Alex finds out that Belle is a prostitute, a working girl, a rub and tug specialist and he reacted as any man would.
Start watching at the 13:30 mark in the video. In this scene Alex finds out that Belle is a prostitute, a working girl, a rub and tug specialist and he reacted as any man would.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
For The English Majors, Hall Monitors & Grammar Police
If you’ve ever read this blog before then you’ve probably picked up on the fact that I type really fast and don’t proof anything I write. If you’re new to the site, then now you know. So don’t crucify me if you see a “there” when it should have been “their” or if I leave the “s” off a word or just flat out misspell some shit completely like an angry fifth grade who just wants to go outside and play tether ball.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Justin Timberlake & Andy Samberg on SNL! This Shit Is Hilarious!
My sister was just talking about this SNL skit yesterday, I hadn't seen it nor heard of it. Then when I went to the bowling alley later that night they were playing the video and I was like "What the fuck is this?" Then when I got a closer look I realized it was Justin Timberlake. Hilarious!!!!
Twitter = Addiction
If you read my blog then you might as well follow me on Twitter. At this current time I am absolutely addicted to twitter, I was getting stopped by the police and twittering about it right after it happened on the drive home. I'm an addict what can I say?
Friday, February 20, 2009
Let me try to make a long story short (if that's even possible). I met this chick a few weeks ago, we started kicking and shit. I told her when I met her that I’m not here to play games and that some (almost all) of the women in the past I have dealt with have had issues telling the truth and that honesty is one of the most important things to me in a woman. As time went on she started to get more personal with me asking me to be her valentine (in not so many words), talking about taking me out and doing something special for me and what not. Telling me how she was really feeling all things Michael (and rightfully so), from that point the situation escalated as you can imagine.
Then out of the blue one day she tells me she kinda has a boyfriend. “You kinda have a boyfriend?” was my immediate response. Turns out they had been kinda together for a year. She then tells me he hasn’t been doing the things he used to do when they first started dating and how I do all the things he doesn’t and blah blah blah. Now she’s confused on what direction to go in and she’s been acting all weird and shit. And my whole thing is why not be honest from the start? I gave her plenty of opportunities to be honest and she chose not to and now we’re where we’re at now. She's confused and behaving strangely and I'm just like "Damn, it was all good just a week ago".
Since I live in LA, I have to put it like this, “Why do women in LA have such a problem being honest?” Is Los Angeles itself to blame? Does being surrounded by fake superficial people and smoke and mirrors systematically prevent women in Los Angeles from being honest with anyone? Does this fake town create fake people? Or is it something much deeper?
My question is why not just be honest? Or at least be honest when someone requests you to? If she said she had a dude in the beginning then she wouldn’t be all confused right now and acting weird.
This isn’t an aberration by any stretch of the word; the number one problem I have with women that I’ve dated out in Los Angeles is that they refuse, refuse, refuse to be honest (not only with me but with themselves as well). It happens every time, it’s like I’m dating the same woman over and over again, and it’s just too predictable. The bodies, the faces, the lies change but the story remains the same and ends the same every single time. And I’m honestly supposed to take any of these relationships seriously??
I can only take women as seriously as they take themselves, and for many of them it’s just In-N-Out like a drive-thru. But I do that and I run the risk of being classified as a playa or dog. What’s brother to do? You do you and they’re calling you a dog, a playa, leaving angry voice mails but you do the right thing like a Spike Lee flick and you get lies and games, what would you do?
It’s so easy to sit back and criticize men and our sometimes deplorable behavior and say fuck men, they’re all "dogs" but it’s much harder for a "bitch" to look at herself in the mirror and recognize her own part in this "doggy dog world".
But I guess it’s like Ja Rule Said:
I'm talkin bout straight figures if you here, you wit us
If not Boo, you know what....I still fucked you
Then out of the blue one day she tells me she kinda has a boyfriend. “You kinda have a boyfriend?” was my immediate response. Turns out they had been kinda together for a year. She then tells me he hasn’t been doing the things he used to do when they first started dating and how I do all the things he doesn’t and blah blah blah. Now she’s confused on what direction to go in and she’s been acting all weird and shit. And my whole thing is why not be honest from the start? I gave her plenty of opportunities to be honest and she chose not to and now we’re where we’re at now. She's confused and behaving strangely and I'm just like "Damn, it was all good just a week ago".
Since I live in LA, I have to put it like this, “Why do women in LA have such a problem being honest?” Is Los Angeles itself to blame? Does being surrounded by fake superficial people and smoke and mirrors systematically prevent women in Los Angeles from being honest with anyone? Does this fake town create fake people? Or is it something much deeper?
My question is why not just be honest? Or at least be honest when someone requests you to? If she said she had a dude in the beginning then she wouldn’t be all confused right now and acting weird.
This isn’t an aberration by any stretch of the word; the number one problem I have with women that I’ve dated out in Los Angeles is that they refuse, refuse, refuse to be honest (not only with me but with themselves as well). It happens every time, it’s like I’m dating the same woman over and over again, and it’s just too predictable. The bodies, the faces, the lies change but the story remains the same and ends the same every single time. And I’m honestly supposed to take any of these relationships seriously??
I can only take women as seriously as they take themselves, and for many of them it’s just In-N-Out like a drive-thru. But I do that and I run the risk of being classified as a playa or dog. What’s brother to do? You do you and they’re calling you a dog, a playa, leaving angry voice mails but you do the right thing like a Spike Lee flick and you get lies and games, what would you do?
It’s so easy to sit back and criticize men and our sometimes deplorable behavior and say fuck men, they’re all "dogs" but it’s much harder for a "bitch" to look at herself in the mirror and recognize her own part in this "doggy dog world".
But I guess it’s like Ja Rule Said:
I'm talkin bout straight figures if you here, you wit us
If not Boo, you know what....I still fucked you
Racism Revisited: NY Post Flex's Their Racist Muscle

I guess I nievely thought that once Obama was elected all these simpleton racist country bumpkin cartoons of him were going to seise. Looks like I was wrong, this is no different that the racist Curious George shirt they made in Georgia last year and far worse than controversial cover of The New Yorker portraying Obama as a terrorist.
What’s up with the new York media and racist propaganda? I never liked New York (more so the New York media) anyway and this just confirms it for me. First the New Yorker, now the New York post? And what makes this whole thinh that much worse is that the NY Post actually defended this sickening cartoon. Like Chris Rock said there’s nothing the white man can do to catch me off guard but I still can’t get away from the fact that I am saddened and offended by this cartoon none the less. But I can say this the NY Post won’t ever get a dime of my money and sure hope in some roundabout way the individuals responsible for this get what coming to them…..a swift beheading should suffice.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
This Auto-Tune Bullshit Is Officially Out Of Hand...
Monday, February 16, 2009
Grey Goose + Rockstar Guava = Happy Black Presidents Day!

Shaq AKA The Big Jabbawockee Dancing At The NBA All-Star Game
After seeing this video there is no doubt in my mind that Shaq is the most talented big man of any kind ever! What can't The Big Jabbawockee do?? (I mean other than free throws)
Sunday, February 15, 2009

Last night I went to go see Taken; everyone has had such high praise for the film I had to see it for myself. After recently seeing Push (which was excellent) and Friday the 13th I wasn’t sure if I was going to be as impressed with Taken as some of my friends. I didn’t have to doubt too long, once Taken started it took off running and never stopped.
Taken had the entire theater (including yours truly) on the edge of our seats wondering what’s going to happen next, watching every clue, paying attention to every line. By the end of the film I was thoroughly satisfied with my experience, if I had to grade Taken I couldn’t give it anything less than an “A”. Its Ransom meets The Bourne series on steroids!! I recommend this movie to anyone.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
My Vantage Point For "Friday The 13th"

Thursday, February 12, 2009
Sean Connery Tells You Why Its OK to Smack A Bitch!
Don't worry Chris Breezy Sean Connery's got your mutha fucka back!!!!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
You Know You're In A Recession When Out Of Work Rappers Are Doing Cash4Gold Commercials
First the McDonald's R&B singing chicken mcnugget commercial, NOW THIS? Seems like hip-hop culture is starting to become the butt of more and more jokes in recent commercials. WTF?
This commercial is ridiculous!! MC Hammer?? This a recession commercial if I ever seen one. You know MC Hammer and Ed McMahon have to be doing really really bad to be in a Cash4Gold commercial whoring themselves off. Whats next DMX is going to be doing bail bonds commercial (lord knows he's got plenty of experience in that department) or Bobby Brown is going to be doing pay day advance loan commercial?? Where's the self respect in a recession people?? Apparently nowhere to be found.
Lil Wayne On ESPN's Around The Horn
Why do obviously uncool white people try to be cool when they get around black people and end up just embarrassing both of them??
Weezy F. Pain (Undisputed Auto-Tune Champion of the World) was on Around The Horn, a fast paced sports talk show on ESPN earlier today. During the show the 2 white panelist kept trying to throw in hip hop phrases and references with their responses to sports questions, failing miserable and creating multiple awkward silent moments. As the segment came to a close (2:10 into the video) in the ultimate showing of utter lameness panelist Woody Paige did what all your drunk white friends do to try to show that they're down and hip, yes people HE STARTED RAPPING, mind you Woody is pushing 63!! Old ass Woody Paige was rapping!! Easily providing the most embarrassing TV moment of the recently blogger coined "post-race era".
But I don't fault Woody Paige at all, busting out in spontaneous raps is a natural Caucasian neuro-response to blackness, especially perceived cool blackness at that. The second your white friends and or coworkers start to perceive you as cool, one of them (the brave one) will inevitably start rapping to you and expressing to you how much they love whatever rapper is hot on Top 40 radio at the time, it might be at a office party or in the car on the way to the club or at a bar in hermosa but it will happen. All you can do is pray the song they pick doesn't have the N-word in it because if it does they will NOT omit the word and that can lead to conversation no one looks forward to. But if you let that N-bomb slide I can guarantee that wont be the last time they drop it in your presence.
Gotta Love Mom
Me and my mother were emailing earlier today via my blackberry, by far one of the best devices ever! Its like having a personal assistant, I'm less efficient without it. Why do you think Obama was fighting so hard to keep his blackberry while he was in office as the president?? Because Blackberry's are the shit; but Obama's blackberry is one like no other, that shit is super exclusive and one of a kind, fit for a president. Here's how my conversation with my mom went:
Mom: so why did chris brown beat up rihanna????????
Mike.Dre: I heard she told him that she gave him "herpes"!!! But right now I don't know if that's the truth or not but that's the hottest rumor coming from that situation.
Mom: bad but u still can not beat up girls -his fans are females
Mike.Dre: Yeah I know. I was saying he's in the limelight and no matter how mad he gets he needs to find away to control himself.
Its a lot more at stake for him than most. But then again he is young and stupid.
Mom: his step father beat his mother so they will probably use that as a excuse to give him a break poor traumatized kid loses control- that boy is from the streets and gave her a old fashion ass whipping
Mike.Dre: Lmao!!!

Read The Entire Obama Blackberry Article <<HERE>>
Mom: so why did chris brown beat up rihanna????????
Mike.Dre: I heard she told him that she gave him "herpes"!!! But right now I don't know if that's the truth or not but that's the hottest rumor coming from that situation.
Mom: bad but u still can not beat up girls -his fans are females
Mike.Dre: Yeah I know. I was saying he's in the limelight and no matter how mad he gets he needs to find away to control himself.
Its a lot more at stake for him than most. But then again he is young and stupid.
Mom: his step father beat his mother so they will probably use that as a excuse to give him a break poor traumatized kid loses control- that boy is from the streets and gave her a old fashion ass whipping
Mike.Dre: Lmao!!!
Read The Entire Obama Blackberry Article <<
Monday, February 9, 2009
Lamar Odom High In Post Game Interview?
Fast forward 2 minutes into the video and watch Lamar Odom's interview. Is it just me or was Lamar Odom high as hell in the post game interview??? His eyes were hella red and he kept saying the word focus over and over again, then he said some funny shit to the interviewer chick and walked off...That's some high nigga shit If I ever seen it, rambling on and on repeating his self. (Trust me I know)
Lamar has been playing lights out basketball as of late and the mary jane may be whats triggering the recent improvement in his game (a new found focus...weed is good for that). This has been the best stretch of Odom's career as of late and its been right when the Lakers' needed him to step up the most. He's played big on the big stages, @ Boston and @ Cleveland both likely NBA Finals opponents.
If Odom is Popeye and mary jane is his spinach, then I say "Odom keep on tokin that pineapple express!", because he's averaging 20 and 10 over the past 3 games almost double his season average (10 and 6)! And finally starting to play aggressive down the stretch and attack the basket.
So Kudos to Odom and his green thumb.
Friday, February 6, 2009

I'm selling it for $650 but I've gotten soooo many weird low ball offers that I’m just at the point where I'm fuckin with people now, making bizarre requests and shit. For example I posted my number on the ad and said call or text me. So some dude texted me this:
Some dude: Offer 300 Cash
Mike.Dre : 500 cash, Tropic Thunder on DVD and a bag of Flaming Hot Fritos and you have yourself a deal!!!
(at this point I didn’t expect to hear from him again, then he texted me back)
Some dude: I will consider it.
The next mutha fucka that lowballs me is going to get an even more ridiculous stipulation. Like “500 Cash, an Oreo cheese cake and a bottle of Cambodian breast milk.”
Becasue when times get rough a bottle of Cambodian Leche can be invaluable.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Kid Still High After Trip To The Dentist
Signs That You're Too High: When you say "Is this gonna last forever?"
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