So this black girl I work with for all intents and purposes let’s call her Black Girl Lost told me she didn’t vote because it was against her beliefs. Her argument is that she doesn’t believe in the president or the government, she believes in god so she doesn’t vote. WTF?? She said the president can’t end world hunger or change the hearts of murders and child molesters so she won’t vote for him. Much of her so called beliefs and argument was surrounded around her trying to insinuate that somehow voting for the first black president was against god.
Where the fuck this girl got this notion I don’t even fucking know. Just thinking about that ignorant shit this little black girl was spitting just pisses me off. And you know I just couldn’t let that shit ride, so our little convo in the hallway at work led to us emailing each other back and forth. Check it out. (EXCUSE THE TYPO’s PASSION AND SPELL CHECK DON’T MIX)
The man will be gone in 4-8 years but the history, the breakthrough, the glass ceiling that was shattered, the progress will be remember forever. In the 1960’s we were still fighting for our right vote, the right to be treated as more than ¾‘s of a man and little did they know 40 years later the very same blacks who whites didn’t even see as a full person would have one their own elected to the high position in the nation…President of the United States. Not vice president, President! For a poor nation that has struggled to make it in a world of dollars and oppression this is a breakthrough. And you think all of this progress, this whole movement for blacks civil rights our fight for equality all happened without GOD?? God was the driving force behind all of this from day one and still is; our never ending crusade for EQUALITY is all gods’ work. It’s the devil that wants us divided and unequal. Without god we would still slaves but today the door is wide open, more open than ever before. But there are still many miles to go before we are truly equal. Join the fight, this was not a vote for a man to be president for 4-8 years this was vote for equality a vote to show the world that we as black people are capable of anything. This was a vote for opportunity…the vote for us to have the opportunity to pursue our dreams without prejudice, and if that’s not a vote worth casting than what is???????
Michael you are dear to me and I don’t want our friendship to come to bad terms over our beliefs. It shouldn’t. I respect you and I do not attack you about what I believe. If you feel you would like to teach me something then by any means, do so. I absolutely adore men who stand and teach. But you can’t teach people about what you feel is truth by telling them what they believe is wrong or not the best way. You, obviously won’t want to hear me out so how can you expect for me to be 100% into what you are trying to convey. Just as they fought and died for their beliefs, I will do the same for mine. I have the same right as everyone else here to fight for what I believe in. My voting has everything to do with belief. If I believed that ANY of these presidents could end world hunger, or change the heart conditions of child predators, murders, I would be the first to vote. My belief is that only GOD can do this. I will believe this until the day I die.
I guess it’s much easier to try to say its god vs. politics and since that’s the vision of life that you have created in your mind no one conversation with a random black man at work via email is going to change that but this is needs to be said. It’s not God vs. Politics….it’s not “I believe in god so I don’t vote”. You vote because you want there to be better opportunities for you future relatives who will be black, and they will be raised with more self confident and high expectations because they will have been raised knowing there was a black president. They have for so long raised us and tough us our history as second class citizens and that’s done damage to our entire races self esteem. But no long can they continue to teach our kids in these classrooms across America this jaded history of the black second class citizen now that a black person has reached the highest point in society and done it with Class & dignity like no other.
“If I believed that ANY of these presidents could end world hunger, or change the heart conditions of child predators, murders, I would be the first to vote.”
Why would any vote have that much value?? What bold expectations, a vote , a 5 minute process is not going to:
- End world hunger
- Change the heart conditions of child predators or murders
"Why would any vote have that much value?? What bold expectations, a vote, a 5 minute process is not going "
If it took me 5 seconds I still would not participate esp. if it does not have much value. Plain and simple, BLACKS are not the only ones to face evil injustices. So a BLACK PRESIDENT does not move me. It is bigger than BLACK, PURPLE, WHITE, OR BROWN,. THIS IS ABOUT INNOCENSE. INNOCENT BLOOD has been shed in all RACES.
“You vote because you want there to be better opportunities for you future relatives who will be black, and they will be raised with more self confident and high expectations because they will have been raised knowing there was a black president.”
Do you not agree that if everyone applied the very principals that GOD wants us to live by that we would have no need for a president? He tells us to love one another, be at peace, forgive. Would things not be beneficial for everyone? This is what I will teach my children. For me… There is no greater teacher, no greater hope, no greater love. My children will be first in GOD eyes if they put him first and so will I. I have a peace that you could not understand because I have found the truth.
“so while you are waiting for God to End World hunger and change the hearts of Child Predators and Murders what are you going to do in the meantime???”
This is a part of taking a stand for what I believe, waiting. Having faith that he will put a end to all of this. If you knew you’ll know that he promises that he will not leave us. So until that time comes… I will pray. I will pray for his will to take place, for forgiveness of my sins and well as the sins of others. I will live to the best of my ability to be righteous in his eyes. And that’s all that matters to me. He will save us ALL if we put faith in him.
Ok I guess you can walk around and ignore the fact that you are black but most Americans cannot. And no matter how large your blinders are and as much as you may try to sweep it under the rug you are as much black as you are a woman, as much as you are person. So if you chose to sweep your race and all injustices we have faced and continue to face in this county under the rug then clearly we are in two different books.
“You vote because you want there to be better opportunities for you future relatives who will be black, and they will be raised with more self confident and high expectations because they will have been raised knowing there was a black president.”
Do you not agree that if everyone applied the very principals that GOD wants us to live by that we would have no need for a president? He tells us to love one another, be at peace, forgive. Would things not be beneficial for everyone? This is what I will teach my children. For me… There is no greater teacher, no greater hope, no greater love. My children will be first in GOD eyes if they put him first and so will I. I have a peace that you could not understand because I have found the truth.
“so while you are waiting for God to End World hunger and change the hearts of Child Predators and Murders what are you going to do in the meantime???”
This is apart of taking a stand for what I believe, waiting. Having faith that he will put a end to all of this. If you knew you’ll know that he promises that he will not leave us. So until that time comes… I will pray. I will pray for his will to take place, for forgiveness of my sins and well as the sins of others. I will live to the best of my ability to be righteous in his eyes. And that’s all that matters to me. He will save us ALL if we put faith in him.
I don’t know where you were going with any of this, none of this address any of what I was talking about and definitely doesn’t contradict any of what I said. I’m not sure if this was your rebuttal but it’s not even on topic with what I was talking about. All of what you said is based around truth but none has anything to do with what I was talking about.
Throughout history god has empowered men, women, nations to make all the changes you speech of. And god will continue to do so but when god give you the power to make a difference you have to make that difference. Not just sit there and wait for a hand to come out of the sky and sweep away all the bad things, god sent Jesus down as a person, a man to physically enact the things that needed to happen in the world. When you are standing on the door steps of history and god has given you the power to become a part of changing history for the better you need to act on that. You could have been born at anytime in any place but you were born into this recent carnation of American and you were given the chance like all of us to rewrite history and start this country going in a positive direction and you did not exercise the power god gave you. It’s that simple.
What do you think a president’s Job is??? To end world hunger??
To change the hearts of people??? A presidents job and Gods job are different can’t you see this??
Why do you keep trying to compare the president to GOD and using that as your excuse to not vote???
So I guess you don’t see a black president after we had been stolen and enslaved, lynched and discriminated against for so long as a good thing??
And god wouldn’t want you to vote for a good thing right????
I guess you don’t see a black president as a positive change for America right???
But I already know the deal you’re not going to answered these questions because you have answered "zero" of my questions from the last 3 emails, which worries me. But its O.K.
You need to watch the speech. And if you still feel like somehow the unity and positivity the Obama’s is bad thing and god wouldn’t have wanted you to vote ( you and you alone can share that belief) then so be it but watch the video before pass judgment. The bible says “Be quick to Listen and Slow to speak”
***She stopped replying at this point***
I figured out what wrong with this girls logic or lack thereof…she seems to believe that rest of the world thinks the president is god and that he is suppose to do gods job and since he can’t do gods job he doesn’t deserve her vote.
So it is painfully obvious that she has no idea what a president’s job is to do and that she is reveling in her own lack of knowledge on the subject.
Yes I have read her emails extensively and that’s what is going. She said that voting for president was against her beliefs and she explained her beliefs to me and that’s what she said. She just keeps trying say that the president can’t do this (end world hunger) and can’t do that (can’t change the hearts of child molesters) and that we should never believe in man and blah blah. And I’m like why do think that’s the president’s role in this world??
Her whole basis for the argument is comparing the president to God and showing how he is going to far short. Duh. Why would you be comparing the president to God in the first place?? We vote for a man to do a job and as an addition bonus we voted for a relative change in the oppressive history of this county, we voted for the creed that all men are created equal and should be treated as such.
"Do you not agree that if everyone applied the very principals that GOD wants us to live by that we would have no need for a president? He tells us to love one another, be at peace, forgive. Would things not be beneficial for everyone? This is what I will teach my children. For me… There is no greater teacher, no greater hope, no greater love. My children will be first in GOD eyes if they put him first and so will I. I have a peace that you could not understand because I have found the truth."
First of all, good post. I like how you knew you probably weren't going to change her mind, but you put your thoughts out there.
But, what makes me mad about what she said in this paragraph is the fact she thinks everyone is a Christian. I am, but I know not everyone believes there is a god. All of her points are bullshit. We live on EARTH, not in heaven. There were disputes in the bible, wars, people were killed. War isn't a sin. I don't really like war either, but what I'm trying to say is WE'RE NOT PERFECT. We need a President who's main focus is to keep our Country stable and keep it safe. God isn't going to keep things from happening to the world. We don't live in heaven. To put it bluntly, shit happens, and we can pray and believe all we want but that won't make peace just shower down upon us.
Not voting because she thinks God is our greatest teacher is bullshit, and I would think he would think it's bullshit as well.
This just makes my blood boil. I haven't heard this opinion yet. I guess after this election I've heard everything.
Ok...I'm not a Bible expert but isn't it full of stories about ordinary people that God tapped to do extraordinary things? I think she is failing to realize that God gave us free will so that we can use our lives to make a difference. How can she herself even make a difference if she doesn't work together with other people to make it happen? What if nobody would help her with an organization she started to end world hunger because they said, "She's not God. She can't help this problem so I'm not donating any time or money to her project." Her logic is tragically flawed but I'm glad you did your part and tried to enlighten her. Nas told us about those black girls lost, man hopefully you planted a seed that will one day grow for her. *smh*
Btw - nice blog, hope you don't mind me adding my two cents =p
@ t. michelle theus
@ lilywrites
I glad ya'll took the time to read this long post. At the time I posted it I was pretty passionate about the issue and I wasn't sure If I was going to hard on her or not. But after reading both of your takes on the situation O feel reassured that I did the right thing by getting on her head.
Thanks for the feedback!
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