With or without a black president white privilege is sown deep into the fabric of the very foundation of America and its going to take a lot more than 1 black president to uproot that. Whites in America will continue to get first crack at jobs over their obviously more qualified non-white counterparts. Whites will continue to get slaps on the wrist for crimes that non-whites would get 5-10 for. White celebrities will continue to be caught with illegal drugs and then sentences to community service while over crowded jails around the nation are full of non-whites convicted on non-violent drug offenses. Whites in America will continue to get the benefit of the doubt in every given situation regardless of how red handed they're caught, while non-whites are inevitably guilty until proven innocent. With all that said I am disgusted at the blatant and outright racism I have seen displayed by some Americans over these last few months, disgusted! This election cannot end soon enough for me. And I PRAY that when this election is over the voices of these racist McCain supporters will fade into the background.
I can’t stress enough how disappointed I am that Americans are not above this sort of primitive behavior. We have the nerve to call our self the greatest and most civilized nation (while turning up our nose at the rest of the world) but in reality many of us are not very civilized at all. Everyone who has stepped up to voice their racist opinion and hate driven lies about Obama should be ashamed of themselves. And again I just cannot wait till this fucking election is over; this election though historic has put a huge spotlight on some of the ugliest parts, people and ideas in this nation. And I’m ready for that spotlight to cut off, indefinitely. If I had my way I’d turn everyone the same color (golden brown) and teach some of these mutha fuckas a lesson, how you gone be racist when we all look the same?
Obama 08. Change.
1 comment:
Yeah man! Somebody needs to say these things. This is what the people need to be hearing right now!
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