The political hegemony of people of European descent in
Technicalities aside, Mr. Obama’s nomination marks the farthest a “black” person has gone up the symbolic power structure of
This is the same
Enough with the parades, though…
No matter what you feel about politics, this marks a change in the objective history of the racial power struggle. White people have been giving us shit all our lives about how we are lazy and stupid, how our cultures are “primitive”, and continue to degrade all people of color as if we aren’t human. Even though not all white people are explicitly racist, all white people benefit from the inhumane acts that have been perpetrated against truly innocent, good people worldwide whose only crime was not having white skin.
As we see from worldwide protests against Bush, the president of theThe ‘race’ now is for the votes of the American people, as opposed to non-white people facing violent opposition to being respected as citizens.
No matter what happens from this point on, we have clear evidence that this long standing idea of racial superiority or inferiority in society is a myth…a fucking myth! Wake up! WE HAVE ALWAYS BEEN FREE!
Black is not just beautiful…it’s American, it’s human, and today it’s
Barack Obama.

Original Article from
damn i commented on this when u first posted it and i came back and blogger dint even post it! ugggggggggh!!
anyway i wrote too much to re-write, but i loved this piece!! good look fam!!
Only one fuckin comment.. Gangsta boo, the crunk ass Caliwag represented I see (Respect ma- I actually checked your site bro off of here droppin a dime on you).. Its kind of depresing when you see young folkz (like yourself)reaching out to your peers about conscious stuff in the world- Fam I see you witnessing history over there, keep hitting them with that Real, they'll pay attentnion..
Im gonna hit you up when i drop this lil piece im working on bout our history-I think you'd appreciate it. Barrack "The Rock " '08 -Q.
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